Vineyard Detox Diet Pros & Cons

Vineyard Detox Diet Pros & Cons

May be beneficial for people at beginning of a lifestyle change as the dramatic change in routine can help to break unhealthy habits and to increase awareness about food quality in the diet.
Rapid weight loss can be good psychological incentive for many dieters to continue with a weight loss program.
High fruit and vegetable intake with an average of 22 serves daily.

Only 20 grams of protein per day which is well below recommended daily intakes. Also lacking in essential fats and fiber.
Withdrawal from coffee, sugar and alcohol can cause symptoms such as headaches which may make it may be difficult to continue with working and other normal daily routines.
Socially disruptive as it is impossible to eat out for the entire 21 days unless bringing your own beverages.
Requirement to purchase nutritional supplements as well as a juicer makes this a very expensive program compared to many other diets.

Although dieters are almost guaranteed to lose large amounts of weight on this program it is likely that the majority of this will be muscle rather than fat loss. This in effect sets dieters up to regain weight when a normal diet is resumed due to a reduction in the metabolism.

Current nutritional models in regard to detoxification diets are that such extreme approaches are unnecessary and may do more harm than good in many cases. If you want to cleanse the body and lose weight the best approach is considered to be a highly nutritious balanced diet.

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