Benefits of the Vineyard Diet Detox

Benefits of the Vineyard Diet Detox

The list of the Vineyard Diet Detox benefits, from the book 21 Pounds in 21 Days, is very impressive.   People who choose any of the three diet plans could expect the following benefits:

*Look and feel younger
*Produce fresh new cells at a rapid rate
*Feel more energetic within the first two days
*Acne will start to clear up
*Eyes will become brighter
*Bags or raccoon circles under your eyes will disappear within days
*Stronger fingernails
*Your hair will grow quicker, longer, and shinier
*Allergies will diminish
*Increased amounts of energy
*Better mental clarity, memory, and focus
*Fewer headaches and backaches
*Less arthritis
*Reduction in cellulite
*Stronger immune system

The longer you stay on the detox plan, the better chance you'll have in obtaining these benefits.  You're more likely to experience some of these improvements if you do the 21-day detox instead of the 2-day detox.  I'm pretty skeptical about some of these benefits of the Vineyard Detox Diet.  I think it is more likely that you could experience a few of these benefits after completing the 21-day Diet Detox, but having all of your bodily problems go away seems a little far-fetched.

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